Aquarists Gene-banking Corals
for Conservation Efforts
Reefbank is a physical community of aquarists and professionals in coral husbandry and science with an online network to track coral genetics in case of species extinction in the wild. Aquarists with reef tanks work within Reefbank to hold certified coral clones. Participants enjoy professional initial aquarium consults and ongoing reef aquarium support as well as access to forums. This in turn funds the major goals of facilities housing mother colonies for research and public education as well as trips to procure and bank more unprotected coral. Building this community and network of aquarists supported by scientists, aquarium experts, and veterinarians will provide the framework for a unique powerful form of marine reef conservation through gene banking.
Our two major initial efforts are banking carribean gorgonians devastated by recent heat and disease and banking rare underappreciated pacific corals known to be diminished in wild stocks.
Welcome to Reefbank
In the News
From Idea to Reality: The Evolution of ReefBank
Interview with ReefBank Director
Why is ReefBank a non-profit

June 5, 2023
Coral is melting in the Florida Keys. At the same time, aquarists are wondering if they can do anything to help. There exists a disconnect between Atlantic coral permitting and the ability for the hobbyist trade to help with coral conservation and restoration. This can change with a strategic implementation of permits, accountability, and passionate participation
September 12, 2023
Unite the clans. A convergence of reasonable, rational, passionate, and motivated professional aquarists at an aquarium conference explored realistic implementation of an aquarist run network for coral genetic banking.
January 22, 2024
In the spirit of the new year, we are at least on the books as paperwork organized by Dr. Charlie Gregory, Marine biologist and veterinarian specialized in coral and founder of the Reef Institute, a successful 501c-3 focused on coral education, research, and restoration of Florida species. With experience and wisdom in non-profit organization, Dr. G will attempt a second rodeo for worldwide coral conservation in light of disturbing global trend's and an amazing underutilized netwrok of aquarists.